Five unknown Google tools your business really should be using


We all know that Google is a vast company, whose forward thinking and creative mentality means that they try their hand at a whole lot more than just maintaining a search engine (driverless cars, Project Loon and Google Sky being more prominent examples).Google Tools

But many simply aren’t aware of the work Google does to assist businesses online. They have a plethora of tools, apps and resources – (almost) all free – that give business owners a leg up in their pursuit of online marketing success.

We’ve put together a list of the five that we feel all businesses should have used, or be using on a regular basis, as part of their online strategy:

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Marketing Magic: BMW and Audi show us how it’s done

With the growth of technology and the internet, marketing is one of the industries that has been inundated with new players. Additionally, there are so many tools, platforms and tactics to use, while we are also able to increasingly filter out our target audience.

Such progress provides a structure for marketers to be incredibly creative and unique with the campaigns they create.

We are also now in a world that relies on sharing content, which results in almost unlimited information for marketers to tap into. While in some ways this is brilliant, I feel it also leads to a lack of unique thinking. With so many sources of information available about how to succeed on Facebook, how to write a marketing plan, or best practices for digital campaigns (to note some common examples), I tend to see a lot repetition.

The marketing world is flooded with generalities and common practices, and yes, it’s because we know certain processes work and consistency provides value. But at the same time, with so much competition and noise in the marketing industry, there is more and more need for marketers to be original and creative. Continue reading “Marketing Magic: BMW and Audi show us how it’s done” »