If you own, maintain or contribute to a website, page views per visit is a metric you should be keeping an eye on. Unless you’re monetizing site impressions it’s probably not your core focus, but should certainly play a role as a key performance indicator (KPI) in your monthly reports.

After all, the more pages a visitor visits, the more engaged they are with what you’re saying.

Increase page views per visitTrouble is, the average internet user these days has the attention span of a goldfish.

There’s a reason why apps like Vine and Snapchat have become so popular – people lose interest very quickly, and are becoming increasingly harder to engage for any extended period of time.

So how do you keep users engaged with your content, and increase page views per visit?

Here are three simple ways we’ve successfully increased page views per visit in the past, along with some data to prove they’re tactics that can work for you too.

Take a look, and add your own thoughts in the comments below:

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